Iboga FAQ
Still looking for answers ?
- Has anyone used Iboga with mental illness like bipolar or schizophrenia ? Or know anyone who has ?
- If you feel a lot of hate and anger against people who hurt you very badly, can Iboga help you to be into love again?
- People who have done an Ibogaine (only) flood dose within the past year, how long has it been and what has been the biggest benefit so far?
- Does anyone have experience micro-dosing Iboga? Do you think it has the same benefits as a flood dose ?
- I’m so worried I’ll have a bad trip during my flood, I hear a lot of people saying their trip was amazing and scary. How scary can it get? I know there’s no way to get out of a bad trip really… any thought?
- Does anyone have any tips for detoxing off suboxone?
- I had my experience with Ibogaine this last July 2019, and as the plant being powerful with detoxing your system, and can stay in your system for a couple/several months (each person varies), do you think this would have any benefits in building a stronger immunity against viruses
- How long after a flood dose should one wait to take a post-flood booster dose?
- Why do ibogaine retreats tend to be expensive (~$2,000+ for one dose)
- For a heroin addict trying to get clean, what do you guys think is the best method with ibogaine? Micro Dosing? Or a flood dose followed by booster doses?
- TA is stronger than root bark right
- What is the reason people die during floods? .. Is it because they are usually addicts so their body is already damaged or do healthy living people die on floods just as much?
- Has anybody had a successful flood with root bark alone for opiate detox?
- I feel called to it but don’t have any active addiction or depression (that I’m aware of).
- We all agree an ekg is an absolute must for ibogaine…what about an ekg stress test also?? Sounds like it would provide more useful diagnosis for potential ibogaine recipient’s experience. I ask for a friend who is preparing for an ibogaine hcl and ta treatment. Ecg and stress test results were very good..so in that case we feel pretty confident in his hearts ability to tolerate the medicine. Any thoughts or experience is welcomed and appreciated.
- Hey I’m wondering if anyone knows whether a mom can come in with her daughter to be close by during an ibogaine flood. My daughter has been using IVheroin for 10+ years (on and off but mostly on). She’s considering ibogaine. A bit scared though and wants me to come in with her. She is 31.
- What is a person to do when they want to quit but can’t afford the treatment centers and can’t source the medicine to do it ….what a conundrum to be in.
- What did taking Iboga do to your experience of physical pain, either chronic or acute?
- Has anyone here been cured of an autoimmune disease with Ibogaine
- Did Iboga help you with anxiety and depression?
- Whats it like to take more than a microdose but less than a flood dose? What is a medium dose?
- Can I possibly use this at home for my own spiritual journey?
- I’m totally lost in my life. I have been absolutely destroyed by a narcissist and my whole life has been destroyed. I have failed everything I was doing and any dreams I had have been smashed. I’m severely depressed and under medication. It doesn’t help me to not cry everyday. I even lost my identity. I’m desperate. Can iboga help me?
- What meaning did you derive from your experience with iboga?
- Does taking Ayahuasca before Iboga help in any way in terms of preparing? What is the relationship between aya and iboga?
- It all sounds very good here. Any negative experiences with Iboga?
- Recommendations for an Ibogaine treatment center to treat someone NOT for a drug addiction but for an eating disorder.
- Is one week off antidepressants enough time to do the full flood ?
- What are the specific heart tests that people should do before taking Iboga
- I’m still trying to figure out the difference between iboga and ibogaine and which one I should do. All I know is that one of the uses of ibogaine is addiction treatment. Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
- Do you measure the amount you take by weight?
- What about the flip of the previous question. Can one do ayahuasca while micro dosing root bark? If not how long should one wait?
- What is the purpose of Iboga?
- How long has Iboga been around
- How was Iboga discovered?
- Does Iboga root bark go bad or stop working if you don’t use it for many years? Does it have to be fresh to work?
- How many grams of bark a day take away all cravings ?
- How do I best prepare for an Iboga ceremony?
- How many days should I take off of work after a ceremony?
- Has anyone worked with Iboga or ibogaine for Lyme disease? I’ve been working with it for a few years and found it to be potentially curative, but it has required a lot of treatments, and I have found full plants to be much more therapeutic than ibogaine.
- Does Iboga boost creativity?
- What are Iboga ‘s worst enemies?
- Can Iboga cure tinnitus?
- Can I still attend a ceremony while on my period ?
What is Iboga?
Iboga refers to a psychoactive compound taken from plants that contain the ibogaine alkaloid. In Gabon alone, there are numerous plants that contain this alkaloid; however, the main source is the Tabernanthe Iboga plant. These plants grow on the jungle floor in remote regions of West-Central Africa including Cameroon, The Republic of Congo, Angola, and of course, Gabon, the plant’s physical and spiritual home. The plant’s root bark contains the psychoactive alkaloids. After shaving this root bark from the root – Voila! Fresh, ready to eat , powerful, ancient, healing iboga. After consuming the root bark, subjects experience the onset of a dream-like mode of consciousness. During the course of the journey, one may (or may not) encounter existential discoveries, crystal clear visions, memory recollection, and countless other wordly and wonderful things

Picture Credits : U.S. National Seed Herbarium image
How did iboga come to the west?
One of Iboga’s earliest mentions in European literature was penned in 1885 by Father Henri Neu, a French catholic missionary in the Congo basin. He describes the plant as a potent tonic that facilitates access to otherworldly domains in which the traveler is shown visions of the future. “Whoever eats iboga” writes Neu, “falls into a deep sleep during which he is obsessed by uninterrupted dreams which, until the time that he awakens, he takes to be actual events.”
The specific twists and turns of iboga’s eventual arrival on western shores is a long story. However, it’s entry into the mainstream can be attributed to Howard Lotsof, a New Yorker, with a heroin addiction. Lotsof acquired iboga from a friend, in 1962, and decided to try it. After he came back down to earth, he realized that not only were his drug cravings absent, but that he had gotten there without having to undergo the usual, brutal effects of heroin withdrawal. So amazed was Lotsof, that he went on tell the world about his experience. His story eventually gained traction with the mainstream medical community, who conducted research into his claims and discovered they were true.
What are the different forms of iboga?
Root Bark
Root bark is the pure, unadulterated material shaved from the Tabernanthe Iboga root. After removal it is usually consumed raw, although it may be ground into a powder and drank or eaten. Root bark is the compound consumed by African traditions since time immemorial. In the west, root bark is usually consumed by individuals seeking a “psycho spiritual” experience, and not necessarily an addiction interuption.
TA Total Alkaloid
Ibogaine is one of many alkaloids contained in the plant’s root bark. Like the raw root bark,Total Alkaloid Extract contains all the alkaloids present in the plant. Unlike root bark, TA is created when the inert, non-psychoactive material has been removed, leaving behind the full spectrum of alkaloids but not the leftover plant material.
Ibogaine Hydrochloride (HCL)
Unlike TA, or root bark, which contain the full spectrum of alkaloids, ibogaine HCL is the result of an extraction procedure that filters out everything except the single ibogaine alkaloid. The end product appears as either white crystals or a clear liquid solution. Ibogaine HCL can be weighed, measured, and thus easily adjusted to suit the individual. Consequently, ibogaine HCL is the compound of choice for those seeking addiction treatments.
Iboga for psychotherapy
The immediacy and uniqueness of a psychedelic experience is hard to quantify. We see headlines like “Ten years of therapy in one night” in discussions pertaining to iboga. Psychedelic journeys can be very powerful, people report lifelong positive effects from a single experience, with lasting benefits to their mood and sense of wellbeing. Scientists are still trying to define exactly how psychedelics are able to accomplish this.
What we do know from decades of research and clinical trials is that they do work, even if we don’t know exactly how. What puts iboga in its own class beyond LSD, psilocybin, even DMT and ayahuasca, is the clear-cut, easily-recalled manner in which the content of the psyche discloses itself; often via lucid visions. It’s been strongly hypothesized that these visions are waking dreams, and are triggered by the same part of the brain that facilitates dreams while asleep. If true, then this would correlate pretty much precisely with many of Carl Jung’s ideas. Jung believed the dream state provided access to invaluable material from which to draw psychotherapeutic insights.
Although iboga has the capacity to uncover what underlies a subject’s psychological issues, it can’t simply reverse the effects of traumatic events. It can however be a powerful aid in restructuring the way we process and perceive these events. This allows an individual to view them from a different perspective, one that allows them to navigate their choices and decision for more positive results. This work is often best undertaken with the help of a strong support system.
After the iboga experience, professional help may allow for the changes in behavior that we seek, whether it is addiction (drugs, smoking, sex, shopping etc.) or changing behavioral patterns that hold us back. Participation in certain activities or modalities vary with each individual. We are not claiming Iboga to be a “miracle cure” but it can be a powerful stepping stone to vastly improved mental health.
Who is iboga best suited towards?
Absolutely anybody with an ailment of anykind physical of mental. This little known secret about iboga is what needs to come to light. Although it is known for addiction, it is good for absolutely every physical and mental problem that exists. Given that iboga’s coverage in the western media centers mainly around its ability to act as an addiction interrupter, it’s little wonder that’s what so many associate it with. Consequently, the phrase, “why would I take iboga, I’m not an addict,” is all too common. It’s also wrong.
Iboga’s anti-addiction properties were discovered by chance in the 1960’s. For thousands of years previously, before the word ‘addiction’ even entered the African vocabulary, iboga was used in ceremonies, initiations, and for healing and community bonding. To claim iboga’s only claim to fame is in it’s power to help addicts is a gross misrepresentation. It also acts as a powerful catalyst for the betterment of “well” people. The psychospiritual benefits alone can be just as beneficial as anything Iboga can provide the addict.
What is the experience like?
The short answer: Like nothing you can imagine. The long answer: Ask those who have taken it, all of whom may tell a different tale of what iboga showed them, and how it helped them. Even then, it could be a case of a blind person asking a sighted person what it’s like to see. Articulating the iboga journey is like attempting to fly in the word “sky” The myriad components therein lie way beyond the limited parameters of rational explanation. For us to explain ´what the experience is like’ would be to assume an intellectual authority that the most experienced users are careful to avoid. Essentially, one must discover the experience for themselves.

What are the potential benefits of Iboga?
- Relief from most physical health issues, mental, and emotional problems.
- Helping people with ailments, fertility, depression, anxiety, addiction, PTSD and more by uncovering the root of the pain and healing it
- Changes habitual thought patterns and helps to restore the proper functioning of the brain’s neurochemistry
- An incredibly useful tool in breaking old habits and patterns that keep us from achieving our best self.
- It brings a complete sense of wholeness, rewriting the biodata to a DNA level.
- The pinnacle of this experience is the iboga journey. Beyond that, we offer a custom itinerary just for your personalized needs. Our approach and philosophy is truly changing the paradigm of healing.
What are the physical effects?
Iboga is many things. A pleasant body buzz is not one of them. For many, the experience may involve uncomfortable physical sensations. The good news, is that many report these sensations are transient, and tend to dissipate as one journeys further into the experience.
The most commonly reported side effects include:
Ataxia affects the nervous system and cerebellum, resulting in symptoms that make physical movement difficult. Although the journey involves lying vertical and still, you may still need a trip to the bathroom. Throughout the journey our sitters are there to help you in any way they can, including helping you to move if need be.
As iboga begins to take hold, users may feel the nausea, and may sometimes vomit. Many agree that this purging represents an important element of the experience, and acts to tune and prepare the body for the imminent spiritual journey. This is nothing to worry about. If one feels the need to vomit a sitter will be on hand to assist with a containment vessel and support.
Cardiac irregularities
Iboga may cause bradycardia (slow heart rate), and an abnormal QT interval (the period between electrical heart waves). Individuals on medications that prolong the QT interval must inform us beforehand.
Individuals occasionally experience involuntary physical movements such as convulsions, twitching, and muscle contractions. Although they may seem a little alarming they are no cause for concern.
Iboga may increase ones sensitivity to light. This is one reason why we provide eyemasks and conduct all of our ceremonies at night.
I just want to trip out. Is iboga for me?
Physical discomfort, purging, 8 to 20 hours of laying in a bed, expense and a post “grey day” recovery period should be enough reason to never confuse the Iboga journey with a recreational “trip”. If you are looking for a thrill or party it’s politely recommended you search elsewhere.
What is a “Grey Day”?
The day after ceremony is called a “Grey Day”. Everyone is different, your grey day may be a quiet one spent reflecting, you might feel beat up and exhausted trying to remember the license plate of the truck that hit you. It could be that you leap out of your bed and want to be in the ocean. Whatever your day after consists of you are not the same and this is possibly the day of a new beginning, of a new perspective or shift.
At the Costa Rica Yoga Spa there is a ceremonial circle the next day that will allow you to share your experience if you have chosen to be part of a group ceremony. It is, of course, your choice if you want to participate in the circle, you could sit and listen, you can share, you can skip it altogether. You will know what works best for you. We do, however, recommend you at least sit in the circle as hearing other experiences can help to process your own.
Food may or may not be something that you want to partake in. Again, there is no right or wrong. We believe that part of what Iboga will help you with is reteaching you how to listen to your body. Ideally, we are striving to smooth out the bumpy ride or disconnect between the body/mind/soul and bring them into alignment again. This grey day is the start of listening to your body again, trusting that you know what you need.
What is the legal status of iboga?
Iboga is legal in Costa Rica and Mexico. For Iboga’s legal status elsewhere, click here.
Should I be scared?
We believe that iboga is a nurturing plant that seeks not only to heal the body but to give you insight and/or shed light into places that have been held in the dark. We trust that it does not do this by force but by invitation, thereby allowing you to participate with your intention and your own experience.
By choosing to take part in a ceremony you have already brought iboga into your formula in search of something. Once your intention is set and you begin the process of getting here, from the practical to the spiritual, the plant is already doing its thing. It sounds extreme, we know, but it is important to understand that you are very much a part of the plant’s ability to do the most it can do with you.
There may be some moments that are scary. It is logical that you come with some trepidation. Everyone is different. Everyone will have a different experience. There are some common threads. There could be purging or you may not purge at all. You may see things you can’t explain or you may go into a very deep state of rest. You may hear the buzzing sound that is heard often or you may only hear the sounds of your space, whatever that sounds like to you at that moment. There is no way to predict how your Iboga trip will go. You can, however, take part in the direction in which your “trip” goes. It is helpful to set intentions and prepare for your ceremony with questions. This may bring more clarity.
Here are some practical things that will help. You can at any given moment, open your eyes, as it were. You will be wearing a cozy blindfold that you can remove, open your eyes and be pulled back to this physical place if you need to be. Always remember, you are being invited on this excursion, the plant will not force you to stay somewhere you don’t want to be or did not ask to see.
Our kind staff will always watch over you and take care of you. You will be limited in your movement. Possible purging notwithstanding, this is not a physical journey. Your body will be quite still for the better part of 8-10 hours.
What does Iboga Therapy mean?
Our way of working is completely unique to anyone else. We create programs that cater to different individuals. Regardless of how these programs may vary, rest assured they are designed for one’s physical, mental and spiritual health using holistic, natural and intuitive remedies.
Is it ok to microdose Iboga rootbark while on an antipsychotic medication?
Absolutely not. Iboga is very dignified and does not need or want help especially with Western medicine and basically it does it all and you dont´ need anything else other than loving support.
Has anyone used iboga with mental illness like bipolar or schizophrenia? Or know anyone who has ?
With most people Iboga works very well but it is recommended that a medical intuitive reading is done first to verify if iboga is right. Micro doses days before a ceremony is suggested as well.
Iboga is much more recommended for mental illness over Ayahuasca as it is a grounding medicine and this is what most people with a mental illness need. Make sure the person is taking 500 MG’´ of Magnesium as well, as this greatly helps with depression or behavioral disturbances. I would say in about 85% of the cases iboga will greatly help the person. Continued support with a counseling coach is also recommended.
If you feel a lot of hate and anger against people who hurt you very badly, can Iboga help you to be into love again?
Yes, iboga will help you to reconnect with your whole being, ground you and rebirth you and love is the only vibration iboga has. It has a very unique way of showing you these instances and correcting them. It works like if you were wrinkled it kind of shakes all of the wrinkles out and makes everything smooth again Forgiveness is very important in the process as well for yourself and others.
People who have done an Ibogaine (only) flood dose within the past year, how long has it been and what has been the biggest benefit so far?
Everybody ends up with what they need, so to speak, the benefits are different for everyone and lets remember that iboga is 80% of the work and your homework that you do yourself is the other 20% and what we recommend is Kundalini yoga to keep the benefits going.
Does anyone have experience microdosing iboga ? Do you think it has the same benefits on the brain as a flood dose ?
Iboga microdosing is very beneficial in many ways and if one does not have the time for a flood dose it is a great alternative and may in fact give you the same benefits as a ceremony only we suggest you doing 20 grams of microdosing which I consider a treatment to be of equal benefit as one clinical dose of 14 grams.
I’m so worried I’ll have a bad trip during my flood, I hear a lot of people saying their trip was amazing and scary. How scary can it get? I know there’s no way to get out of a bad trip really… any thought?
Let´s put it this way. No one could ever freak out on iboga. It can get tense and unpleasant at times but remember that this is what the person needs to see and feel for their healing. It is easy for most to change up the visions as well by simply taking your mask off or communicating with the iboga as well. There is a saying with iboga. It is going to give you what you need and not necessarily what you want. Personally, I have had very few people with unpleasant visions and it ended up being very healing for them.
Does anyone have any tips for detoxing off suboxone?
I suggest you weigh out the root bark in capsules. Most people and places always say at least 3 weeks and I agree that this is a very good suggestion before taking a flood dose but in micro dosing what I suggest is for one never mix the two so lets get that straight. Also note that everyone is different.
After taking your last Suboxone and lets keep in mind that it has a half life of 36 hours but go as long as you can and be brave but when you start to have withdrawals eat one gram of the root bark every 2-4 hours and it is ok to keep this going but do not go past 3 grams as yes it can be dangerous and use your own common sense.
If you are reacting ok and its working well then keep it up but make sure you are doing everything to detox with infrared sauna as it will help up to 40% and I highly recommend 3 colonics in 3 days as well and if you have access to coconut juice dink as much as you can and if not lots of water and dont forget 500mg of magnesium a day preferably 3 weeks prior. You might find that spacing out the grams of iboga every 4-5 hours is a good idea. If you feeling dizzy, spacy or nauseous stop. Its is not going to be painless but the idea is to be safe and cut down on the awful withdrawals. I highly recommend for the 3 days you are detoxing a daily Meyers Cocktail intravenous therapy which is vit .C and B complex with lots of other minerals that will help you greatly in the process.
I have detoxed many people using this method with great success but please note that everyone is different and it is best to do this with supervision. Have a great day and I hope this helps.
I had my experience with Ibogaine this last July 2019, and as the plant being powerful with detoxing your system, and can stay in your system for a couple/several months (each person varies), do you think this would have any benefits in building a stronger immunity against viruses?
Your immune system is always strengthened after an iboga ceremony and will last up to 6 months but if you maintain yourself much longer. The key is your diet with maintaining your immune system
How long after a flood dose should one wait to take a post-flood booster dose?
You will hear different answers for this one but i suggest 6-7 days.
Why do ibogaine retreats tend to be expensive (~$2,000+ for one dose)?
Well for one the medicine is expensive but a good quality retreat will include a lot more than just a ceremony. I know for instance Global Nurture Retreats have you working with 8-10 healers and are very professional and well planned out in all aspects of maximum healing. Look at the quality of food, location, activities, experience, testimonials etc when looking at different retreats but most have nice housing etc and this is what it would cost for a comparable yoga retreat as well. Some offer a lot more than others as well. Just do your research and know what setting you resonate with.
For a heroin addict trying to get clean, what do you guys think is the best method with ibogaine? Micro Dosing? Or a flood dose followed by booster doses ?
So any addict in my book is toxin and should not jump into a flood dose. I consider this dangerous. I recommend tapering down and the day you are clean you should be fine to go into taking micro doses every 4 hours or so to minimize the withdrawals. What helps tremendously is infra red suana or sweat lodge, Vitamin IV therapy and colonics with heaps of liquid.
What is help as every opiate addict is constipated is to be drinking warm water with sea salt until you have normal bowel movements but the idea is to change your oil so to speak like in a car. Out with the old and in with the new and get plenty of nutrients and if you do this right you will be ready for a flood dose around the 4th day.
TA is stronger than root bark right?
I would say TA is smoother with less nausea but not stronger. I feel Iboga is stronger and has a fuller spectrum of healing. Lets not forget we are dealing with powerful medicine and both can be considered strong medicine.
What is the reason people die during floods? .. Is it because they are usually addicts so their body is already damaged or do healthy living people die on floods just as much?
The reason for the very few deaths recorded for me has been mostly due to the neglect of the provider. Iboga is not for very unhealthy people as going thru a ceremony requires strength and a good heart and liver.
Screening is imperative and although most providers use a stress test EKG and liver enzyme test but i find a medical intuitive reading through the GNP to be the most accurate reading on somebody. I would say about 1 out of 250 should not qualify for iboga but most can.
Iboga is also very dangerous when a person takes western medicine of drugs during the healing process. Nobody should do iboga unsupervised and they should do it with a person of experience. Suboxone is the most dangerous of drugs to watch out for as well but all western medicine can complicate things.
Also if you are a longtime addict you should spend a longtime microdosing and building your health up before a flood dose and in my opinion no addict should go straight to a flood dose out of full blown addiction.
It should be a gradual detoxing process as this is the safest way. I feel very safe using the Global Nurture Project intuitive reading as this will give us the current overall status of the person and to see if they are ready for a flood dose.
Has anybody had a successful flood with root bark alone for opiate detox?
Yes absolutely.
I feel called to it but don’t have any active addiction or depression (that I’m aware of).
I’m actually at a pretty great place in life but still feel the call nevertheless.
Can anyone relate?
What this means is your ceremony will be that much more amazing. Sometimes when there is little healing to do on someone iboga will awaken you to the history of the universe, string theory and sacred geometry and perhaps why and how the pyramids were built and maybe about reincarnation or the Akashic records but bottom line you will feel amazing after the ceremony and better than you have ever felt before and it will work on you physically giving you a tune up so if you have a calling go for it. It is never not a bad idea!
We all agree an ekg is an absolute must for ibogaine…what about an ekg stress test also?? Sounds like it would provide more useful diagnosis for potential ibogaine recipient’s experience. I ask for a friend who is preparing for an ibogaine hcl and ta treatment. Ecg and stress test results were very good..so in that case we feel pretty confident in his hearts ability to tolerate the medicine. Any thoughts or experience is welcomed and appreciated.
Again we recommend a Global Nurture Project reading for the full holistic reading on a person as sometimes there are mutated diseases that cannot be picked up by tests and if this is affecting your liver or heart it is good to know in advance.
Hey I’m wondering if anyone knows whether a mom can come in with her daughter to be close by during an ibogaine flood. My daughter has been using IVheroin for 10+ years (on and off but mostly on). She’s considering ibogaine. A bit scared though and wants me to come in with her. She is 31.
A It is the wish of the person having the ceremony well then by all means. Your focus and meditation should be solely on your daughter’s health and I will say that the most powerful retreats I have done is when the parents join in the ceremony so they can better relate to what kind of healing is going on. This is most beneficial when drugs have destroyed a family. I have seen families repaired remarkably overnight beyond what they ever were..
What is a person to do when they want to quit but can’t afford the treatment centers and can’t source the medicine to do it ….what a conundrum to be in.
If you really want it you can do it. No excuses. You have to do your research and send out your intentions to the universe but you can always make this happen for very little sacrifice. Figure it out. Iboga will arrive when you are ready.
What did taking Iboga do to your experience of physical pain, either chronic or acute?
Iboga has a remarkable way of not only healing your pain but helping you mind with it. I have seen pain from tooth aches or back pain and many other things be greatly reduced by microdosing and i have seen miraculous healings take place with ceremonies overnight. Iboga suppresses pain and works on what is causing the pain.
Has anyone here been cured of an autoimmune disease with Ibogaine?
The answer is yes many people from asthma to many ailments. The problem though is you can never guarantee this. It might be cured and might not but will almost always likely be better. With most ailments I recommend 2 ceremonies and booster doses.
Did Iboga help you with anxiety and depression?
I would say this is what iboga is best at are these two subjects. I have seen these two ailments completely disappear 99% of the time and for those 1% I suggest Ketamine therapy.
Whats it like to take more than a microdose but less than a flood dose? What is a medium dose?
OK so this is an interesting question. For the most part i discourage this size of dose as you will feel like a rocket that does not get launched off the pad. I suggest this type of dosage if you are not well enough for a ceremonial dose and have 3-4 days to heal whatever ailment but this would be considered for safety reasons only otherwise i do not suggest this dosage all.
Can I possibly use this at home for my own spiritual journey?
I cannot recommend doing ibogaine or iboga alone. There is too many factors and this powerful medicine should always be done with an experienced provider.
I’m totally lost in my life. I have been absolutely destroyed by a narcissist and my whole life has been destroyed. I have failed everything I was doing and any dreams I had have been smashed. I’m severely depressed and under medication. It doesn’t help me to not cry everyday. I even lost my identity. I’m desperate. Can iboga help me?
Yes but first you must help yourself. You cannot be under any other medication while taking iboga. You must forgive the narcissist and yourself. Iboga can help you focus and let everything that does not serve you slowly melt away. It will help you to ground yourself and be whole again and there is nothing better for depression. So if you want to be found, centered and whole you are looking to the right medicine in Iboga.
What meaning did you derive from your experience with iboga?
Iboga will handle everyone absolutely differently as everyone needs and heals differently. Everyone needs a different type of healing so iboga focuses on what best serves that individual and works there. Iboga knows best Sometimes people will have an intention for their healing but iboga is smarter and might prioritize on something more unkowingly important.
Does taking Ayahuasca before Iboga help in any way in terms of preparing? What is the relationship between aya and iboga?
The only time I do not recommend taking Aya before iboga and I always suggest at least a couple of weeks before is when someone has a mental problem or a nervous system issue. Never after as the iboga that stays in your system for 6 months will stop working on you. Kambo is also recommended before in most cases 1 or 2 days prior to iboga. Ayahuasca is wonderful plant medicine and considered female root chakra energy and Iboga is more male crown Chakra. Ayahuasca you tend to go more out and Iboga is more in and grounding. Aya contains DMT and Iboga is alkaloids so very different experiences.
It all sounds very good here. Any negative experiences with iboga? When choosing Iboga you have to choose what setting and people resonate with you.
There is ibogaine clinics, Bwiti style tradition or original healing of the Global Nurture Project.
Recommendations for an Ibogaine treatment center to treat someone NOT for a drug addiction but for an eating disorder.
I will say that eating disorders are not an easy ailment and might take two ceremonies and booster doses. It is highly recommended that you get an intuitive reading before you go somewhere. Make sure the food is delicious and healthy where you are going as well. Darin McBratney at Iboga Therapy has worked with many people with eating disorders and could help you out.
Is one week off antidepressants enough time to do the full flood ?
For most yes. It depends on the half life of the drug and how long you have been taking them. It is best to have medications totally clear of your body before taking iboga. Mixing medications with iboga is no joke and extremely dangerous
What are the specific heart tests that people should do before taking Iboga?
Most places require a stress test EKG. If you have had past heart issues it is recommended you that you not take iboga or ibogaine. If you can go on a day hike up a large hill you can do iboga. We only disqualify 1 out of 200 people. Another more unobtrusive method is to receive the Global Nurture Project intuitive reading which will tell you everything you need to know about your heart and much more.
I’m still trying to figure out the difference between iboga and ibogaine and which one I should do. All I know is that one of the uses of ibogaine is addiction treatment. Any info is appreciated. Thanks!
Iboga root bark is totally natural and full spectrum and Ibogaine is the isolated alkaloids thought to be the most useful. Ibogaine tends to be a smoother ride with less nausea but root bark for me is taking the medicine as intended by source and is full spectrum sa again whatever resonates with you but our recommendation is always root bark.
Do you measure the amount you take by weight?
This is a great question and most people will tell you yes but I will tell you no absolutely not. I have had an NFL football player right next to a little tiny Phillipino lady and she took double what the NFL player did. I use two methods for doses and yes take tolerance into consideration as well. Of course we use the Global Nurture Project reading for doses and also the day of we use kinesiology.
What about the flip of the previous question. Can one do ayahuasca while micro dosing root bark? If not how long should one wait?
Absolutely no micro dosing Aya with Iboga ever. Iboga is very dignified and dare i say jealous and likes working only alone. Aya is always recommended before iboga and at least 1-2 weeks prior for ceremonies or micro dosing.
What is the purpose of iboga?
Iboga´s purpose is to ground you to the center of the earth and improve your relationship with source. It raises your vibration and rebirths you so you are all shiny and new and consider it a stepping stone and not a magic bullet. It will give you homework. It´s purpose is to make you whole again and totally connected. The deep physical and mental healing you receive is amazing and on par with nothing else. It truly helps you if you are committed to your healing in all aspects. There is nothing iboga cannot do.
How long has iboga been around?
Since there was plants, iboga has existed. It has been known for human use for at least 5000 years and probably a lot longer
How was iboga discovered?
There are many legends about how iboga was discovered from a Pygmy shaman shooting a porcupine with a bow and arrow taking it home to his wife and feeling the healing powers to people who used it to build the pyramids etc.. When checking in with a very well known psychic Catherine Carrigan about this the answer and most probable scenario is that humans observed animals eating the plant to heal and then discovered its powers in this way.
Does Iboga root bark go bad or stop working if you don’t use it for many years? Does it have to be fresh to work?
Iboga can mold if not stored properly and in essence go bad. Storing it in a dry room temperature or keeping it cool is suggested. As for time i am sure if there was iboga stored properly it would be good to take in 10000 years from now.
How many grams of bark a day take away all cravings ?
The answer will change with each person on this and what cravings from what we are talking about. Also the amount you take everytime you feel withdrawals may change from 1 gram to 3 so it depends on the individual.
How do I best prepare for an iboga ceremony?
The best way to prepare is to get your Global Nurture Project reading a month in advance and adhere to the recommendation on it so you are at your optimal health. Another way is taking 300-500mg of magnesium everyday for 3 weeks prior and doing a natural liver cleanse which is 1 tablespoon of organic olive oil and 1 lemon squeezed in a glass first thing every morning and do not drink or eat anything for 25 minutes and do this first thing every morning 3 weeks prior to the ceremony. The last thing is to meditate and go into reflection about your intentions and if you have questions then write them down. Be confident and be calm and relaxed as iboga is love.
How many days should I take off of work after a ceremony?
It is recommended that you take a week off but at least 3-4 days for sure and if you don’t love what you do you may take the rest of your life off.
Has anyone worked with iboga or ibogaine for Lyme disease? I’ve been working with it for a few years and found it to be potentially curative, but it has required a lot of treatments, and I have found full plants to be much more therapeutic than ibogaine.
Iboga is wonderful for Lymes but again multiple treatments including ceremonies and booster doses recommended along with a Global Nurture Project reading to better understand what you need. Some people it takes one ceremony and some many.
Does iboga boost creativity?
What are Iboga ‘s worst enemies?
Greed, Pharma companies and people clearing land not having respect or knowledge of this sacred plant and the opiate crisis.
Can Iboga cure tinnitus?
Yes I have had many people healed of this and some after havingh it for more than 30 years. Remember iboga is unpredictable at what it will do but out of all 5 cases I have had tinnitus was healed 100% of the time.
Can I do a ceremony while on my period ?
While places vary in requirements, I have been asked this question many times and have researched this question. I have never find a reasonable answer and I have conducted many ceremonies while women are menstruating and all have had nothing but benefits.
Want to know more about iboga ?
Read the testimonials of people’s experience with Iboga here.
Discover the healing with Iboga story of the Global Nurture Project and Iboga Therapy founder here.
Read the Wikipedia page on Iboga Tabernanthe.