On both the material and spiritual levels, Iboga is a holistic treatment, that induces varied actions that overlap, intersect, and combine to achieve astounding results along a continuum of interconnected factors. From a biological, neurological, and pharmacological perspective we know comparatively little about how it works. We don’t know how it does. We just know that it does. And, while reports of psycho-spiritual healing are commonplace, the reports of physical healing are often overlooked.
Ironically, it´s most noted healing property is indeed physical, that being its ability to navigate heroin addicts painlessly through withdrawal and blast wash their opioid receptors back to pre-addicted levels – a mechanism first discovered by accident by Howard Lotsof some decades ago.
However, despite little to no scientific proof, is it not reasonable to believe that Ibogas physical healing properties extend beyond repairing the neural mechanisms of heroin addicts? In addition to being a remedy for psychological and spiritual woes, Iboga has been lauded by the Bwiti for millennia as a cure for a range of physical ailments. Furthermore, when so many patients and providers are repeating the same claims it would be hasty to dismiss them.
Before proceeding, a disclaimer. After reading some of the miraculous claims made by some treatment providers one may come away with the false impression that iboga is a cure for everything from fungal and bacterial infections, to acne, herpes, aids and almost every imaginable illness. For the most part, the only evidence to support these claims consists of word of mouth, youtube videos, and written testimonies. This is not to say these claims are false. Quite the opposite in fact.
Beyond personal testimony there´s the scientific evidence, or what little exists. Lab studies have shown Iboga to be a potential candidate for combatting Hepatitis C, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. Could iboga really represent a cure for these brutal, debilitating, and in some cases otherwise incurable conditions? Confirmation of such will require research, supported by funding that currently doesn´t exist. Until then, it may be impossible to state ibogas true potential with regard to physical healing.
Here at iboga therapy, we have been witness to countless instances where iboga has healed physical ailments. If one is considering using iboga for this reason, then feel free to connect with us. If we receive consent, we will then try our best to connect you with a previous guest who received ibogas healed for the same issue as the one you struggle with.